Where can my car be worked on?
This is the most popular option amongst our car-owners as they have more time ⏱ and control 🦾 over the repair.
Garage is favored by mechanics during the winter ☃️ . Keeping your car warm prevents its components🔩 from freezing and snapping during repairs🔧.
Similarly to garage, this provides a more controlled environment for the technician to work in 🔧
This is usually great for services that take less than an hour ⏱ and are less messy, in order not to cause any disturbance 💢 to lot owners (eg. inspections 📋).
Curbside repairs are only done in low traffic areas🚦 🚗. To keep the mechanics safe and high traffic roads hazard ⚠️ free, most of the curb side repairs are done in your neighborhoods .